“The first thing to be mindful of around emotions is that they are important. If you feel good, then very often you experience your life as good”
Dear Integral Meditators,
What are the most important things to be mindful of in order to increase your emotional intelligence? The article below explores this subject!
In the spirit of emotional flow,
Mindfulness for emotional intelligence
What is the relationship between mindfulness and emotional intelligence? And how can we use mindfulness to increase our enjoyment of emotions? Below are five aspects of emotional mindfulness that I consider fundamental. If you get good at them will naturally help you increase your EQ, or ability to engage and deploy emotions effectively.
Valuing your emotional state – The first thing to be mindful of around emotions is that they are important. If you feel good, then very often you experience your life as good. Often we spend a lot of time trying to fix our life in other ways, while neglecting to take care of the emotional states that can make our life fun, compelling and worthwhile!
Positive feeling makes positive thinking easy! – The way to think can determine the way in which you feel. Equally, the way you feel powerfully influences the way in which you think. It is easy to ‘think positive’ if you know how to get into a mood or emotional state where you are feeling optimal.
Consolidating your emotional strengths – An important part of emotional mindfulness is to notice positive and enjoyable emotions that you can already generate because you are already familiar with them. If you can identify these and deliberately spend more time engaging with them, then your emotional strength is going to increase naturally and easily.
Working with difficult emotions more effectively – If you can work effectively with difficult emotions when they arise, flowing with them rather than fighting or being a victim of them, then this can really change your life. Relaxing into, making friends with, accepting and not being intimidated (by them) are all ways to become more effective when challenging emotions arise.
Increasing your emotional range – Why stick with your familiar range of emotions? Why not deliberately play around with generating emotions that you are not familiar with, that could value add to your life? This is the creative dimension of emotional intelligence; gently pushing yourself into unfamiliar territory with regard to your feelings!
Questions to stimulate your own mindfulness around emotions:
What is my emotional state right now?
What emotion that I am already familiar with can help me in this situation?
What emotions do I habitually find most intimidating or difficult? What if I tried to work with them, rather than against them?
What emotion that I am not familiar with could I try generating more often?
Article © Toby Ouvry 2020, please do not reproduce without permission. Contact info@tobyouvry.com
Saturday 20th June, 3-5pm – Mindfulness for emotional intelligence masterclass
This masterclass will lead you on an experiential journey to:
- Understand what feelings, moods and emotions are and how to build an effective relationship to them
- How to consolidate and expand your existing emotional strengths
- How to deal with difficult and challenging emotions, and even turn them to your advantage
- How to increase the diversity/range of emotions that are available to you for enjoyment, pleasure and life-effectiveness!
Life-fullness – The Integral Life-Coaching Program with Toby
Are you looking a coach who can help you to:
- Meet the challenges, stress and changes that you face in a more effective and mindful way
- Become happier within yourself, in your relationships and at work
- Be actively accountable for finding a sense of balance/well-being in your life and fulfilling your personal potential?
- Guide you to find and operate from a deeper sense of meaning, motivation and connectivity in your life?
Saturday 20th June, 10.30am-12noon – ONLINE Get your meditation practice started now – The shortest & most time effective meditation course ever
This is a truly practical and super short (90min) workshop that teaches you:
- What meditation is and how it works
- How to start your own effective daily meditation practice with just a five minute a day commitment
- Provides you not only with the workshop but also with support materials; MP3 meditation recordings (1×15 minute and 3x 5 minute), short articles and diagrams to help you keep meditating after the workshop.
Sunday 21st June, 6-7pm – Summer solstice balancing & renewing meditation (Livestream)
The Summer Solstice (Called by the Celts ‘Alban Hefin’, or ‘the Light of Summer’) is the high point of summer in the northern hemisphere, the point of the Suns maximum power in the year, & the longest day. It is a good time to attune the life-force in the earth & creative energies within ourselves. We will be taking the time to get in touch with our own inner power, solar confidence & expressive self.
Saturday 27th June, 2.30-5.30pm – Breathing meditation livestream masterclass
Learn a multi-faceted breathing meditation practice that helps you grow and learn in the face of life’s challenges, and connect you to deep inner stability.
Many mindfulness and meditation techniques use the breathing. However, with only superficial understanding meditation on the breathing can easily become stagnant, mechanical and, after a while boring! This masterclass teaches six complementary breathing techniques that will help you to…
Full details of session
Sunday June 21st & 28th, 5-5.50pm – Online Qi gong workout class
This is a Qi gong session that begins with movement, breathing and energy work to thoroughly energize and refresh your body, nervous system and energy meridians and regenerate your physical, energetic, mental and spiritual being…read full details
Online Integral Meditation & Mindfulness classes
Build focus, beat stress, cultivate wellbeing!
Each session involves simple practices that you can apply to make a real difference to your wellbeing and effectiveness in life…full details of classes
All upcoming classes and workshops for at IMA:
Ongoing on Wednesday’s, 7.30-8.30pm – Wednesday Meditation for stress transformation and positive energy with Toby (Bukit Timah)
Ongoing on Tuesday evenings, 7.30-8.30pm – Tuesday Meditation for stress transformation and positive energy with Toby (East Coast)
Tuesday’s at 12.30-1.20 – Ongoing Tuesday Lunchtime meditation class @Space2B
Ongoing Sundays 6-6.50pm – Qi gong energy body activation meditation (Livestream)
Saturday 20th June 10.30am-12noon – ONLINE Get your meditation practice started now – The shortest & most time effective meditation course ever
Saturday 20th June, 3-5pm – Mindfulness for emotional intelligence masterclass
Sunday 21st June, 6-7pm – Summer solstice balancing & renewing meditation (Livestream)
Saturday 27th June, 2.30-5.30pm – Breathing meditation livestream masterclass
Sunday June 21st, 28th – Qi gong workout class
Sunday 5th July, 6-7pm – Online Monthly Full Moon Meditation & Manifestation Session
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