This weeks article looks at a particular type of anxiety, and how we can start to work with it more effectively, enjoy!
Stress-Transformation coaching with Toby
Stress, anxiety, fear, pressure, anger, attachment – Ordinarily we see these states of mind and emotion as negative; things that get in the way of our happiness and well-being, and prevent us from achieving the goals and quality of life that we would like….full details
Dealing with your anxiety more effectively (Identifying causal anxiety)
In this article I am going to explain a method that gives you greater effectiveness in the face of your anxiety. It is in relation to what is called ‘causal anxiety’. Causal anxiety is anxiety is so named because, at least superficially, it has a clear, tangible cause that we can identify. For example:
- I am feeling anxious regarding a test result that will come through shorty
- I am nervous about a speech that I have to give in front of a group of people
- I am worried about catching a disease that has been going around
Meeting Causal anxiety with either acceptance or pro-activity
So, with causal anxiety, the position is quite simple. We just ask the question “Am I going to be pro-active in dealing with the challenge I am worried about, or am I simply going to focus on accepting it as it is?” So for example:
- With my test result, I may simply choose to accept that I’m just going to have to wait for it. There is nothing further I can do, so I make a clear decision to relax and accept that. Note here that this also means accepting the feeling of anxiety that I have, getting ‘comfortable with the discomfort of it’ so to speak. It is unlikely that I will be able to get rid of the feeling of anxiety totally, but in making peace with it and accepting it, I can diminish its disruptive power substantially.
- Regarding the speech the I have to give, I can respond to the anxiety by choosing to prepare for another half hour, and then practice acceptance. At a certain point of my choosing, I have to make a decision that ‘I have now done enough’, and now can focusing on relaxing and accepting (or if possible releasing) the anxiety.
- Regarding the disease, I can choose to take all sensible preventative measures; hand washing and so forth, and then just accept that there is some risk, knowing that I have done all that I can do!
So with causal anxiety, I am being clear about my choice to do or not do, and dealing with anxiety that way. As you can see from the examples, your response can be a combination of action and acceptance. The point is that the alleviation of anxiety comes from being clear about what you are going to do about the challenge, and then having done it then practicing letting go and acceptance.
Getting comfortable with the feeling of anxiety
A final point here; working effectively with any type of anxiety means making friends as much as possible with the feeling of anxiety. Whatever the cause, the more we can accept the felt sense of anxiety in the body, the more easily we will be able to work with it. If this feeling is our enemy and adversary, we are generally going to have a tough time with it. This is because, for tender humans like us, feeling a degree of anxiety is often synonymous with feeling alive.
Related article: Finding Your Best Response to Anxiety – An Existential Perspective

Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th March, 7.30-8.30pm – Monthly Full Moon Meditation & Manifestation Session
This meditation, done on or around the full moon capitalises on the heightened lunar energies at this time of the month to:
- Bring energy and health to our physical body
- Increase benevolent, life affirming emotions such as appreciation, joy and gratitude
- Release patterns of energy, thinking and feeling that are no longer serving us
- Focus on clarifying our intentions and manifesting our current life-goals
Full details of session
Restarts Monday March 23rd, 6.30-8pm – The Men’s group, the path of conscious manhoodHow can you move from coping to thriving in your life as a man? – Much is asked of men in their traditional roles as fathers and sons, partners and husbands, students and teachers, employees and employers. The men’s group is a professionally moderated and confidential forum for men. A forum is a safe place for exploring, learning and sharing the successful perspectives, skills, and strategies… Click here for full details
Saturday 14th March, 10.30am-12noon – Get your meditation practice started now – The shortest & most time effective meditation everIntegral Meditation Asia is happy to provide you with a truly practical and super short (90min) workshop that teaches you:
- What meditation is and how it works
- How to start your own effective daily meditation practice with just a five minute a day commitment
Full detail of session
Tues 17th & Weds 18th March – Spring Equinox balancing & renewing meditation
At the spring equinox we can think about the spring and summer periods that lie ahead of us, what our goals and expectations are, and sow the seeds on an inner level of the things that we wish to manifest over the next few months.
Full details of session
Saturday 28th March, 2-5.30pm – Meditations for Developing the Language of Your Shadow Self WorkshopBy working with these shadow characters in meditation you will develop the capacity to:
- Developing a fuller and more intimate understanding of the language that your own shadow self uses to communicate with you
- Understand different aspects of your shadow self as it relates to different time periods in your life (childhood, puberty, early adulthood etc…)
- Finding and articulating your shadow as it relates to different areas of our life, for example your relationships, work life, spiritual life and so on.
Full details of session
All upcoming classes and workshops for January 2020
Ongoing on Wednesday’s, 7.30-8.30pm – Wednesday Meditation for stress transformation and positive energy with Toby (Bukit Timah)
Ongoing on Tuesday evenings, 7.30-8.30pm – Tuesday Meditation for stress transformation and positive energy with Toby (East Coast)
Tuesday 12.30-1.30 – Integral Meditation classes at Space2B on Stanley Street
Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th March, 7.30-8.30pm – Monthly Full Moon Meditation & Manifestation Session
Saturday 14th March, 10.30am-12noon – Get your meditation practice started now – The shortest & most time effective meditation ever
Tues 17th & Weds 18th March – Spring Equinox balancing & renewing meditation
Restarts Monday March 23rd, 6.30-8pm – The Men’s group, the path of conscious manhood
Saturday 28th March, 2-5.30pm – Meditations for Developing the Language of Your Shadow Self Workshop
Friday, Sat, Sunday 17,18,19th April – The Qi Gong Foundation Program & Program for coaches and trainers
Starts Saturday 25th April – The Integral Mindfulness Program for Coaches, Counselors and Therapists – Creating sustainable high performance and deep wellness
Ongoing – The Integral Mindfulness & Meditation Online Program, January-July 2020